
Ep 16 Futuresteading Shortie : Cracker ideas for getting kids into nature.

Jade Miles & Catie Payne Season 1 Episode 15

It’s time to get outside and reconnect, rewild and ignite a love of the outdoors in our little people. In fact, this shortie is bursting with fun and creative ideas for all ages!

Jade and Catie plate up simple acts and rituals (decorating the dinner table with found objects or making scarecrows, anyone?) to touch and be touched by the seasons. Perfect school holiday fodder.


  • Why rewild our kids?
  • Activities for dextrous little fingers like seed saving and food harvesting.
  • How to make a kids’ nature kit. 
  • The value of self-guided activities.
  • The allure of scarecrows for big and little people.
  • Activities that speak to the season and connect you to the here and now.
  • The importance of letting kids free range in their own time, in their own way.
  • Why being a grown-up nature enthusiast will transmit to your kids.
  • Parenting with a long rope.
  • Should we let children extend their own boundaries?
  • How do you balance risk and worry?
  • Getting to know and trust in your kids’ abilities.
  • Letting kids connect to their own needs, surroundings and abilities.
  • Making bee hotels.
  • Reframing winter as a magic time to be outside.


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