
Ep 170 Hayley Jessup - Stories From The Heart to Kickstart Season 11

Jade Miles Season 11 Episode 7

Meet Hayley - the whizz who usually sits in the editing suite of the Futuresteading pod  is in the hot seat today...and a few other days actually...todays episode is the chance to get to know the voice behind a mini series within this season of the futuresteading pod we are calling Stories from the heart. Hayley has been the producer on the pod for the last 6 seasons and now we are introducing her to this side of mic. You'll love her!

From remote Alaskan cottages to inner city haunts, Hayley Jessup has been learning to live from the heart. Her journey has been visceral, gut led and has tapped a curiosity from deep inside her that she unpacks in todays conversation. It’s not just about earth shattering love, it’s about sliding into a comfortable place that stays true to you, your reason to be here and being sure of the work that is yours to do. Because you can and its right.

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Ep 104 Tanya Massy - Can love create unison of head, hands and heart

Ep 69 Lisa Wells - Making a life at the end of the world

Ep 51 Brooke McAlary on the farce of multitasking and the power of slow

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Australian Medicinal Herbs 

We talked about:

Living life in transition

her experience as a naturally curious question asker

Making decisions by intuition

Learning to be heart led

Giving yourself space to be who you need to be.

Her experience living in a remote Alaskan cottage

Her plans for the mini series "from the heart" in this seasons pod.

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