
E129 What shade of green are you? with Dr Kate Luckins

Jade Miles Season 9 Episode 2

Dr Kate Luckins asks what shade of green are you? The answer is of little consequence and will most certainly ebb with the hokey poke of life - finding your own shade, in your own way is the secret…along with an audit or two of your cupboards, sheds, fridge and mind.  

With a doctorate in sustainability, this Dr knows a thing or two about how we can climb aboard the bandwagon and STAY ON, ultimately resulting in us living "More with Less (which is the name of her new new book) - as our own shade of green.

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Live more with Less

Pod References:
War on Waste
Urban Nanna
Well Nourished Georgia Harding naturopath
ST ethical eating guides

Show Notes
Even when you mean well - life is very busy so its really hard to bring this way of life to the front line
Crisis fatigue - why the looming Armageddon can cripple us.
Empathy for our parents managing teenagers who want to create the landfill of tomorrow
Experimenting with a clothing exchange 
Awakening the consumer in her with the birth of her baby
Bring unapologetically medium green
Not doing all the things at once
A medium, life friendly shade of green which maintains momentum
Building new habits that are awkward and unfamiliar slowly becoming part of your flow.
Smug stock stash being built in the freezer
1 in every 5 bags of shopping is incidentally wasted
Getting sucked into every foodie, fashion and fun fad
Life audits - fridge, wardrobe, third drawer down, 
Filling the gap between our concerns and our reality. 
Our cultural issue isn’t what to do its about how we make decisions in the weeds - what should our self expectation be.
Keeping the paralysis of eco fear at bay
Finding the times in your life that are well suited to bringing in more change
Treat yourself like you would a friend who is doing their best
Its not the people in govt who feel the most powerful its the every day eco heroes who feel enthusiastic and the actions they are taking.  Unofficial authorities in their own communities 
Leading by example is the most powerful way to bring systems change 
Diagnosing our reality and changing our language because of it.
Why the sustainability movement needs a theme song
More connection, more time, more community, less, consumption, less waste,
Finding your on ramp to get into this way of being
Start where your interests lie and don't worry about it being perfect or big”
The value of the imperfect
We often buy because we are compensating or obliged to buy…
Seeding the idea of ‘buying less and valuing it well’
Why its so bloody hard to raise kids today to be mini ecowarriors 
Buy less and live more in a society that is structurally designed to create waste and 
Find your door in - start with the things that interest you and your energy will be infectious - don't underestimate the ripple effect of 
Rewrite the normal - to include lifestyle upgrades like showering in dams

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