
E128 Kirsten Bradley Brings us back for season 9 - 'HUDDLE'

Jade Miles Season 9 Episode 1

Kirsten Bradley is one half of permacultures favourite educators MILKWOOD and she joins us as our opening night (very early morning actually) star in the spectacular line up of season nine guests.

We've had her in our ears before but not since she crossed Bass Straight to set up home and release her new book. The Milkwood Permaculture Living Handbook

We delve into how she has built her Huddle in the southern most state and how she contributes to the mycelium  of community that will form what is ultimately needed in the coming 100 years of skilled up, earth connected, community first folk who just keep showing up - which is easier said than done.

She talks about our duty of care to the commons and why we need to be comfortable as the receiver and giver in your local soup kitchen.

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Show Notes:
Building a new life in Tasmania - here we are!
The forest school that runs along democratic lines with kiddos making decisions (but still have to do maths)
Teenagers marinating in different ideas and different thinking
Being confident to let your small human build their own vision and values
Upskilling FAST: Growing food, making bread, sewing, community connections
Rebooting our civic duty to be relational with each other
Changing the world, one habit at a time with her latest book: the Milkwood Permaculture Living Handbook
Engaging in the commons - taking responsibility for the things which are held in common-wealth (beaches, waters, parks) scraps of land that are worth taking care of and starting a relationship with. 
Using your privilege for purpose - even if limited - use them to help those who don’t have them
Start by identifying your privileges and call out those who behave in a way that limits rather than supports others
The value of clever, open, respectful communication with those who don't align with your values
“No one is in anybody else's shoes so we don’t have the knowledge or the right to make judgments”
“Whether you’re the soup giver or the soup taker - in times of need, we all need each other and finding the common ground to be on either side of the table is a pillar of how we’ll live in the next 100 years”
Building partnerships in coalitions of the unlikely 
Mutual aid in her backyard, not just in times of crises but a community way of being
Making sure you’ve got some really big pots in your pantry to fire up a huge pot of soup if needed
The million ways to contribute to the community care systems we all need
Sharing your skills far and wide
How she’s made online learning as practical and useful as possible
Do one thing, make it a habit then choose one more thing 
Threading the various communities together to create a dynamic non 9-5 existence
Compassion speaks to creating futures with other people despite the overlapping crises
Holding peoples hopes, fears and making sense of that as a huddle.

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