This is a conversation about the future. About creating a culture that values tomorrow. We reckon a slower, simpler, steadier existence is the first step - one that’s healthier for humans and the planet. We call it Futuresteading. Each week we chat to community builders, ritual makers, food growers, health wizards and environmental wisdom keepers, gathering practical advice and epic solidarity - so we can all nut this thing out together. Join our nitty, gritty, honest and hopeful convo every Monday during our 16 episode seasons. Support the pod by shouting us a cuppa >>> buymeacoffee.com/futuresteading
Ep 147 Leah Rampy - The trees teach resilience - Beginning & ending in silence
"When did we start othering earth to be overused & under-respected"?
We humans are the younger brother & sister of other beings who have been here for longer than us & have more experience. Now it's time for humans to have humility, unlearn & relearn from those who haven't been so lured by the lux.
Storytelling stepping stones will help us move to that place but a good storyteller also requires a good listener & it can be hard to hear the trees over the noise. Words can also fail us when the emotion of what we are losing is greater than words alone can capture - so seeking many forms of adaptation will require all the grit we've got!
Leah isn't 'doing career' any more, she is simply doing what she loves & seeking the nexus of all that she loves - "that's where the power comes from in each of us...perhaps it's as simple as seeing the beauty in a cut cabbage"
Earth & Soul: Reconnecting amid Climate Chaos
Friends of Silence
Church of the Wild Two Rivers,
Kiss the ground
The Spiritual Wisdom of Trees: Insights from Our Elders
Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation
Robyn Wall Kimmera - Braiding Sweet Grass
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Futuresteading - Live Like tomorrow matters
Show Notes:
Rebuilding a new life via tomatoes
The inside word on her cohousing community of small homes
Beginning her local movements “save our soil” & “lawns for life”,
"We have two journeys - one is heart & soul: what is mine to do, the outward journey is how do I connect with all the living world around me. Of course the trick is connecting the two.
Leading pilgrimages throughout America “the places really lead the pilgrimage”
Transition can be painful because we think we need to know where we're going
"How do we live more fully alive, deeply connected, balanced on the edge and in a way that is together? This is the conversation we could be in for the rest of our lives"
Building trust by telling the truth about our reality.
We keep trying to figure it out by using our head - we gotta have a heart journey
Avoiding solutions that are wrapped up in a bow.
"We are living in a time on a threshold - we cannot go back to the world we knew and while the story is not clear, our role is to plant the trees for future generations"